Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year

2009 is well on its way and my to do list keeps growing and growing. I don't believe in resolutions. Never worked for me. Action plans seem to be more reasonable for me. Or at least a list so that I can check off the items I complete. I have to feel like I've accomplished something. I am one of those people who will write something on the to do list even after I've done it, just so I can check it off.

My daily to do list is usually more than I can handle, so I'm not sure how to even begin on a yearly to do list. If there's anyone who's figured out how to exercise, work, clean, cook, do laundry, and take care of a family in 1 day, please let me know. It's simply overwhelming and the start of a new year somehow offers hope that I will get it right and simulates more pressure than a cooker full of mason jars . I don't like it. It's a very weird know that weird feeling of taking down christmas decorations...the end of something great and the beginning of something that you hope will be great.

I do have hope for 2009 as there are many goals I want to accomplish...probably at least 11 check marks, I would say. I've never had a blog, but I think since I started one, I'll add it to the list. Make that 12 check marks and one down.