Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birthday Week, I've decided to give blogging a go (again...2 years after I started this blog)

Last week was very eventful for me and my family. Sunday obviously was Easter and also my 30th birthday. Tuesday I had a laparoscopy, and Thursday was my husband, Kevin's 32nd birthday.

I can't say that I loved turning 30 but it certainly didn't bother me. I am very blessed and really can only be thankful to celebrate another birthday. I've always enjoyed celebrating my birthday, probably because my parents always made sure they were a big deal...not necessarily by giving me lavish gifts but by spending time with me and letting me do things, like skip school. Since my birthday was on Easter this year, I decided to take a random day off work to celebrate with Kevin and Griffin, my five year old son. They took me to buy running shoes (more to come on how those work out), a new Easter dress, and seriously good cupcakes (SAS Cupcakes).

Just a few days after my birthday, I was scheduled for a laparoscopy to treat endometriosis. While I was concerned about surgery, I was also ready to get this done. I've been told since I was 19 that I probably had endometriosis, and a laparoscopy is the only way to confirm diagnosis. Turns out mine is stage 2 and as of right now, I'm free of it. My wonderful surgeon cauterized all of the endo he found and I have pictures to prove it! I'll keep those to myself though since they are, well...kinda gross. I am simply amazed that on Tuesday a surgeon put four cuts in my abdomen (one in the navel...yes, ouch!), stuck medical instruments into my body, burned stuff on my organs, and here I am today...fully functioning and writing this blog entry! Science and technology are amazing, but what is even more wonderful to me is how the Lord made the human body. It makes me so grateful.

Two days after surgery was my awesome hubby's birthday. I didn't do nearly enough for him, especially considering how he courted me around Charlotte wherever I wanted to go on my day. If he reads this, he will surely wish I hadn't written it; however, I must say he is a great man. I mean a really, really great man. He's not perfect and he's not even the "knight in shining armor" type. He's the "I love you so much, and will always be here for you" type, and that's real. And also seems so rare. So again, I am thankful.

Finally and most importantly, I am eternally thankful for the ressurrection, and my salvation in Jesus Christ. When I really ponder it all, I am overwhelmed at what He did for me and how little I do for Him. It's very humbling and again evokes an attitude of thankfulness in my heart. As I reflect upon everything this week offered, I wonder if I should have called it Thanksgiving Week rather than Birthday Week. However, it is just April. And I didn't have any turkey this week.